Lets get things moving again

Even the least observant of our readers will have noticed that there has been a dearth of activity on this site for some months now. This is purely down to me and for that you have my apologies. The pressures of a new job have been something of a constraint on my time but with some first gentle, and then some less subtle, prompting from David, I am hoping to re-energise myself and start to put some new material out to further broaden your insight into the world of Charlie Chadwick.

In the meantime, however, David has been very active and I know that he has a few announcements to make in the near future – so watch this space.

As ever, offers of assistance from anyone who would like to get involved in this project and/or to help Charlie to reach a wider audience would be very much appreciated

In the meantime your patience (or should I say long-suffering) is much appreciated. So, “Lets get things moving again!”