Charlie’s Poems 10

Let me like a Feather Fall  (Adapted for Joseph)


Yes, let me like a feather fall

          If tumble then, I must;

Not I desire the vulgar sprawl

          To rudely kiss the dust

No, I’ll recline as gracefully

          As if t’were by a spell

And they that stay and see shall say

          “He like a feather fell”.


Yes from the saddle I’ll descend

          And on the road recline

So gently that a smiling friend

          May claim it all sublime

But the saddle I shall try to keep

          For to part like that’s a sell;

Yet they shall say, if we part that way

          “He like a feather fell”.


Yes the vile cropper I despise

          The gentle I admire

And all are free to criticise

          The spill that I desire;

And when I tumble give this song

          And true that song shall tell

How through that space and with what grace

          “He like a feather fell”.  



                              Camping – Two Aspects!


Camp no 1

Dusk o’er the camp was creeping –

          The camp of the ‘Seven are We’

And the countryside was sleeping

          In sweet tranquillity;

And the evening breeze just stirred the trees

A sweetly scented summer breeze

          And the fire glowed fitfully.


A haze o’er the hills was lying,

          A peace had settled round

And the pinewood embers dying

          Glowed softly on the ground

Oh, the calm of night and the fading light,

The wonderful calm of a summer night

          Serenity profound!


Camp no 2

Rain o’er the camp was falling –

          The camp of the ‘Seven are We’

And a voice was dolefully calling

          “Oh for a pot of tea”

A bad campsite and a cold wet night

A puddly, clammy, bad camp night

          And weary campers three


The primus won’t keep going

          And the butter will not spread

And a nor’east gale was blowing

(“Oh for a nice warm bed”)

The wind blew in through the fabric thin

And when the wind blew in the rain came in,

          “Ere morning we’ll be dead”                  After Easter 1927


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